Greeting from Mongolia!
Сайн байна уу- Sain baina uu- Hello.
Thank you for visiting website of Altai Nomadic Expedition Co.ltd and for your support of responsible budget travel. We are welcoming you to our BEAUTIFUL MONGOLIAN countryside and inviting you to have well-organized, safe and experience tours and other travel services.
Altai Nomadic Expedition Co.ltd is a 100% Mongolian owned tour agency and tour operator that helps you to acquire accommodation and all kinds of tours in all around Mongolia and dedicated to making your vacation in Mongolia comfortable and relaxing.
Our company established in June, 2010 which has around 15 years professional experiences in Mongolian Tourism Field and from that time we have been serving for many tourists who come from all over the World. We always try to make the best service and friendly staff to serve for our customers. That is probably the reason we became a quite attractive budget tour operator in Ulaanbaatar. We offer our customers the best service at the cheapest price.
Сайн яваарай-Sain yavaarai-Happy Journey!
Altai Nomadic Eco Adventure Tours Mongolia